The Reluctant Runner Shuffles In

and says hello (in a rather pathetic way)

I'm rubbish aren't I?

Well I'm not totally, but I am rubbish at ahem, keeping this diary, and even worse at <cough, cough> 'training' for the Ealing half marathon.

So, the short version is I haven't been doing any running.

The long version would take lots of deep ( 'tell me about your childhood') type analysis, which I don't think you, nor I, have got the time for.

Basically, I've just not been feeling it (and there are loads of reasons/excuses which can be pulled from the bag if needed) and I have come very close to actually hanging up those trainers for good.

BUT.... I'm not.

There's still time to get my act together so I can (joy oh joy!) drag myself around those 13.1 miles in September once again.

Never been one to give up - I'm rather stubborn like that - and how can I now when, out of the blue, I encounter this?

(It's a sign! ;)

Hope to report that I have done some actual running one day ...( when it stops raining!!) soon.


Annemarie Flanagan

23rd June 2016