Ealing's Reluctant Runner Returns

Slower than a tortoise but she's back

Well I've been keeping a very low profile, because, for the last SIX WEEKS ( yes really), I have had a very nasty cold/flu virus.

Anyway.. roll the drums...I think I may just have come out the other side.

So, in line with my new (and annoying to some) Pollyanna type positivity mode for 2016 I am NOT going to focus on how grim it's been, but instead am extremely thankful that I'm on the mend, and will categorically say that I shall NEVER take my health for granted again.

Now, running. Well, the good news is I'm back at it. It has been a huge challenge though, and the first step outdoors which I took this week was absolutely the hardest. But I did it!

Yes it was a struggle; I felt as weak as a kitten, and was as slow as a tortoise, but I did it! A run to Elthorne Park a circuit round and back home was more than enough. It was a start.I have been out of the habit for so long, but am slowly getting back on track.

As an attempt to try and help my 'training' I downloaded various fitness/tracking apps including Endomondo and Strava. I wasn't quite sure what I wanted or what I was doing, and suffice to say I haven't really got to grips with either of them yet.

I am not a social runner and am probably the least competitive person you will ever find, so the idea of sharing my ridiculously short and extremely slow runs with the many 'pros' I know has not appealed.

But, as a 'motivational' tool I have just got myself one of these:

(yes, I do know it has to be taken off charge!)

I'm surely going to be taken seriously as a REAL runner now aren't I?!!!

I promise I won't bore you with route maps around Ealing, and am not going to share any of my super slow times because, well, it's just rather embarrasing.

However I do hope to update you with details of my progress (or at the very least tell you how I eventually worked out how to turn it on correctly!)


Happy Running everyone!


Annemare Flanagan


16th March 2016