The Reluctant Runner is Stuck

But is endeavouring to get out of the quagmire

You might recall I mentioned a black hole a while ago? Well I think I'm now stuck in there.

Reluctant runner? Yep, that's me. I am truly living up to my title. I can list my 101 excuses, but will skip this - you probably know them all by now anyway. Basically life and all sorts of other such stuff have got in the way and I've been lacking the necessary 'umff' for the last few weeks.

So, the long and short of it is I HAVEN'T been running. Yes, I do feel guilty, especially when others seem to make it look so easy. I never feel like a runner and guess that's a big part of the problem.

Running isn't just about running though is it? (or maybe it is and I just like to over complicate things). It seems to me an ongoing battle; to run or not to run... that is the question?

Recently though I just haven't had the strength to fight these two opposing sides and not to run has been the easy victor.

So, any psychologists want to dig around in my head and work out what's going on? No? Can't say I blame you it may take some time!

I guess I know the simple answer; just get my trainers back on, my mind focussed and in the right place, and, as the marketing of a well known sports company likes to scream, ' JUST DO IT!'

Send me some encouragement, some (virtual) hi-fives and lots of positive vibes... and maybe ...just maybe ...I will....

(er paint?!!)


Annemare Flanagan


20th April 2016