Over 3,000 Attend Antiques Roadshow at Pitzhanger Manor

Crowds bask in sunshine as BBC programme being filmed

Crowds at the BBC Antiques Roadshow in Ealing. Picture: Pitzhanger Manor & Gallery/Aston Law

May 21, 2024

This Saturday (19 May) saw over 3,000 people turn up to see the filming of the BBC Antiques Roadshow at Pitzhanger Manor & Gallery.

Many had brought their cherished items for assessment—some turning out to have a high value while others revealed details of fascinating family backstories.

Blessed with fabulous weather, Walpole Park and Pitzhanger’s gardens were transformed with ten specialist areas where attendees queued to meet the Antiques Roadshow specialists. Fiona Bruce, the show's presenter, and a team of volunteer stewards welcomed guests. Food stalls had been set up with Pitzhanger Honey, made in local hives, proving particularly popular as a memento of the day.

The crowds were joined by Ealing Central and Acton MP, Rupa Huq, and Mayor of Ealing, Cllr Hitesh Tailor.

Many guests took the opportunity to explore the architect Sir John Soane’s historic Pitzhanger Manor and its adjacent gallery, which recently re-opened to the public.

Clare Gough, Director of Pitzhanger Manor & Gallery, said, "What a fabulous day enjoying BBC Antiques Roadshow at Pitzhanger today and seeing the joy this event brings. We were thrilled with the turnout and the atmosphere as everyone enjoyed seeing what treasures, or quirky pieces with personal stories, their neighbours had brought along. A huge thank you to the excellent teams from the BBC, the volunteer stewards, the suppliers and Pitzhanger staff, all of whom contributed to creating a memorable day celebrating history and community spirit."

Dr Rupa Huq said, "It was a real coup for Antiques Roadshow to come to Ealing and great to see residents from the morning trundling, sometimes wheelbarrows full of swag, to our premier venue, Pitzhanger Manor & Gallery, for Sunday's filming when the sun shone down on the thousands who turned out. I even got to speak to Fiona Bruce; the event must be a highlight of this year so far. Bravo to Clare Gough and the team for making the entire feat run smoothly."

The episodes filmed at Pitzhanger are set to air later this year, revealing the discoveries by the experts.

This July, Pitzhanger Manor and Gallery is staging an exhibition of Grayson Perry’s commentary on British society executed through six large tapestries: The Vanity of Small Differences.

Pitzhanger Manor and Gallery is open from Wednesday to Sunday 10am–5pm , including Bank Holidays (First Thursday of the Month: 10am–8pm).

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