Professor Marisa Linton on Robespierre and the French Revolutionary Terror

A talk hosted by the Ealing Branch of the Historical Association

Terracotta bust of Robespierre by Deseine, 1791 (Musée de la Révolution française)

April 30, 2024

The next meeting to be hosted by the Ealing Branch of the Historical Association will be a talk by Professor Marisa Linton on the subject ‘Robespierre and the French Revolutionary Terror’

It is taking place on Tuesday 14 May, 7.30 pm at Ealing Green Church, The Green (W5 5QT) with doors opening 10 minutes before commencement.

Marisa Linton is Emerita Professor at Kingston University London. She writes principally on the French Revolution, particularly on the French revolutionary terror; leaders of the French Revolution, especially Robespierre, Saint-Just and the Jacobins; emotions in revolutionary politics; the role of women in politics and political culture.

Her most recent book was written with Michel Biard, Terror: the French Revolution and its Demons (Polity, 2021). She has made appearances on TV and radio, and also works as a historical consultant, most recently for the 2022 series Dangerous Liaisons, currently showing on Starz/Lionsgate.

Maximilien Robespierre has often been portrayed as the sole mastermind behind the Terror in the French Revolution. Marisa Linton will show that the truth about both Robespierre and about the Terror was rather more complicated. She will examine why the revolutionaries set up laws that enabled terror, the dramatic spectacle around the guillotine, the role of the Revolutionary Tribunal, the National Convention, the Committee of Public Safety, and the Jacobin Club, and look at the impact of this time of intense fear on revolutionary leaders, many of whom fell victim to laws which they themselves had supported.

Visitors are welcome with a suggested donation of £5 per talk and no charge for students.

You can become a member of either the national organisation of the Historical Association (which includes local membership) for £65 per year (£43 concessions) or a local member for just £15 a year. You will then receive regular emails or newsletters about the association’s activities.

For more details of the association’s programme of talks for the coming season visit its web site.


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