Prolific Charity Fundraiser Takes on Scariest Challenge Yet

Kit Dahanayake skydiving for the St. Ann's Foundation

Kit Dahanayake
Kit Dahanayake

May 21, 2024

Serial charity fundraiser Kit Dahanayake is taking on what may be his most terrifying challenge yet when he jumps out of a plane to raise money for the St Ann's Foundation.

His 17,000 ft skydive is due to take place on 16 June and he hopes the event will raise also raise awareness of the charity which supports St Ann's School - a specialist school in Hanwell that caters for 125 secondary students with severe cognitive disabilities.

Father of four Kit Dahanayake has lived in west London for 25 years and was a coach at Hanwell Town Youth FC for many years before becoming the Chair of Brentham Colts FC.

He has undertaken a variety of charity fundraising challenges, including cycling the length of Britain from John O’Groats to Land’s End (for Teenage Cancer Trust), running the London Marathons (for Child Bereavement Charity) and leading a 10-strong group of 16-year-olds on the National 3-Peaks Challenge (for Young Minds).

He says this is his scariest undertaking yet, but the cause is ‘worth falling out of a plane for’.

He adds, “It's a small charity with a big heart and a big purpose! St Ann's works tirelessly to provide the students with learning and fulfilling life experiences. This is done in a safe and specialised environment that accommodates for the specific needs and dependencies of the students. The Foundation raises funds to enhance the students' well-being and joy by providing resources beyond council funding.”

To support Kit’s fundraising efforts click here.



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