St Gregory's RC Primary School Ealing

St Gregory's Roman Catholic Primary School

With 529 pupils, St Gregory's is a popular school in North Ealing.

OFSTED visited in 2011

Main findings

This is a good school. It has improved under the positive leadership of the headteacher. The staff and the effective governing body support him enthusiastically. The school has good partnerships with the local community, particularly with a special school, its partner secondary school, teacher training institutions and sports service providers. School leaders instil in pupils a clear sense of Christian values, self-belief and above all, a joy of learning. As one pupil said, 'I love this school because the teachers are friendly and nice and we have lots of opportunities to learn.'

The school's aim of 'working and learning together' is seen in all of its work and supports pupils in gaining good levels of spiritual, moral, social and cultural awareness. By the end of Year 6, pupils' achievement is outstanding because staff have very high expectations of them. Pupils also behave well. Staff work effectively to eradicate any differences in the achievement of groups of pupils. Monitoring information is used regularly by school leaders and with increasing accuracy to identify what the school does well and to plan for improvement.

Senior staff have been successful in driving up pupils' academic performance and sustaining effective practice in supporting their personal development. Pupils feel safe and secure and have a well-developed understanding of what constitutes a healthy lifestyle. The partnership with parents and carers, and other agencies is good and underpins and supports the school's good levels of care, guidance and support.

Leaders have brought about many improvements since the previous inspection that are making a significant difference in order to sustain pupils' high levels of attainment. Through accurate self-evaluation and concerted action from the findings by all staff, teachers have developed their skills so that overall, teaching and learning are good.

2012 Key Stage 2 Results


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