news, events, calendar, churches, schools in Ealing London

Local Government

Our Councils page gives a brief introduction to local government and council tax in Ealing . Councillors for the area are listed, as well as the most recent election results.

Schools in Ealing
Here you can find an overview of the schooling situation in and around Ealing . There are league tables of the performance of schools serving the area and, from there, links to profiles of each school. 

Faith in Ealing
A listing of all places of worship in and around Ealing.

Local Associations

Find groups of people who get involved in the area and aim to make a difference.

Clubs and Societies
Learning and enjoying leisure activities in a group.

Our Area

If you're interested in the history of Ealing, places to see or go in the area, this is the section for you. Tap into the wide-ranging knowledge of some of your neighbours.


There are a number of opportunities for volunteers, and you can find details of local organisations in our Local Associations section above. However, if you're not sure which one would be best for you, the Ealing Volunteer Bureau offer a useful service where they spend some time with you looking at your skills, interests and time available to work out which volunteering options would be best for you. Try the Do-It website for more information.