From Event Manager to Cat Woman

And a Community Challenge for Us All

Last weekend saw the more unusual happening in Boston Manor Park, home of the Brentford Festival.

On Saturday, Linda extended her role to that of cat woman at a children’s party whereby the excited 4 year old guests were allowed to ride in the batmobile driven by BATMAN complete in outfit.


Sunday saw twelve 14-16 year old young people who were given a COMMUNITY CHALLENGE which was to make 200 cupcakes and run the Pavilion Café for the day which they did with gusto.  Linda says some of them had never made a cup of tea before so it was a real experience for both the customers and the young people!

The next COMMUNITY CHALLENGE will involve 60 young people and as many of the local community that want to come down (11 am – 3.30 Sunday 2nd October) to help plant thousands of spring bulbs and also to plant hedging to spell out the name of BOSTON MANOR PARK.             





September 15, 2011