Meet the Candidates to Be Your MP in Ealing

Election hustings organised for the three local constituencies

A question is asked at an Ealing Central and Acton hustings at the last election
A question is asked at an Ealing Central and Acton hustings at the last election

June 19, 2024

A series of election hustings have been organised across the three constituencies in the Ealing area.

These events offer attendees the opportunity to hear from and address questions to candidates in the General Election due to take place on Thursday 4 July.

Generally, there will be a debate between candidates and a Q&A session and all candidates will be invited to attend.

For the Ealing Central and Acton constituency, the Churchfield Community Association (CCA) has organised a hustings at St Mary’s Church Hall (W3 9NW) on Wednesday 26 June from 7:30-9:30pm.

It will be chaired by Sara Nathan a former chair of the CCA.

There is also a hustings for the same constituency at the Acton Mosque at 2-5 Oldham Terrace (W3 6LS) on Monday 24 June starting at 7pm.

For the Ealing North constituency, a hustings event is being held on Thursday 27 June at 7pm at St Barnabas Church, the Fairway, Northolt UB5 4SX.

Sri Guru Singh Sabha Southall are hosting an event for the Ealing Southall constituency on Sunday 23 June from 4pm to 6pm. The venue will be the rear building at Norwood Hall, Norwood Green, Southall, UB2 4LA.

The event will be chaired by Bethan Walters, a Senior Policy Officer at the Greater London Authority. She holds a Master's degree in International Relations and volunteers with the Sikh Human Rights Group, advocating at the UN Human Rights Council for better education, dignity, and access to menstrual health and reproductive rights.

You can submit questions in advance by emailing

After arrival and registration, the candidates will each give a short presentation followed by a Q&A session and a debate.

To register for this event click here.

Candidates in Ealing Central and Acton

SDP - Stephen Balogh
Independent - Julie Carter
Green - Kate Crossland
Labour - Rupa Huq
Workers Party- Nada Jarche
Liberal Democrats - Alastair Mitton
Reform UK - Felix Orrell
Conservative - James Windsor-Clive

Candidates in Ealing North

Independent - Helmi Alharahsheh
SDP - Leslie Beaumont
Workers Party - Sameh Habeeb
Reform UK - Leon Harris
Conservative - Maria Khan
Green - Natalia Kubica
Labour - James Murray
Liberal Democrats - Craig O’Donnell

Candidates in Ealing Southall

Workers Party - Darshan Azad
Independent - Sangeet Bhail
Independent - Joe Bhangu
Conservative - Georgie Callé
Reform UK - Steve Chilcott
Labour - Deirdre Costigan
Independent - Pedro Da Conceicao
Liberal Democrats - Tariq Mahmood
Independent - Niko Omilana
Green - Neil Reynolds
Independent - Jaginder Singh
Rejoin EU - Peter Ward



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