Ealing Council To Appoint Borough Conservation Officer

Confirms restoration of post vacant since 2018

The borough's conservation areas include the Brentham Garden Estate. Picture: Brentham.com

July 17, 2024

Ealing Council is to restore the role of Borough Conservation Officer having been without one since 2018.

The council decided in principle to bring back the post over a year ago, but it has only now been confirmed that a new officer is to be appointed who will oversee the 30 Conservation Area across the borough.

A conservation officer is able to provide technical advice relating to historic buildings, conservation areas and other applicable design matters, including tree cover for planning applications and other development consents. In this role, he or she, assists residents who are objecting to measures which they believe threaten the integrity of conservation areas, green spaces or listed assets.

In 2016 the borough had two conservation specialists in the planning department but the last employee in the role was made redundant as a cost-cutting measure two years later.

At the time the council said that most of the role could be covered by existing planning officers and developers could pay for expert advice if there was not sufficient expertise on a matter in the planning department. The review into Conservation Areas carried out by Ealing Council during this period was undertaken by a member of staff with conservation expertise employed on an interim basis and supported by external consultants.

Heritage organisations including Historic England wrote to the council warning them that there was a risk of maladministration of a dedicated conservation officer was not available with the necessary local experience.

The Liberal Democrat opposition have been campaigning for return of a Conservation Officer for several years.

Liberal Democrat Councillor Jon Ball, Opposition Spokesperson on Housing and Development including the Local Plan said, “Liberal Democrats said that a conservation officer is vital for the Council to preserve the character and heritage of Ealing. The recruitment of a new conservation officer is an embarrassment to Ealing Labour who cut such a role several years ago in a false cost saving exercise. It shows their lack of capability at long term planning.

“This is a classic U-turn by Ealing Labour who keep ‘flip flopping’ on policy, making excuses to blame the previous Labour administration or the now former Conservative government. Liberal Democrats want the Council to focus more attention on preserving the rich heritage and history of our borough.”


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