Southall Business Fined For Fly-Tipping

Naeem Juice Corner investigated for incorrect disposal of waste

A Southall businessman has pleaded guilty and apologised for fly-tipping.

Mr Muhammad Naeem who runs Naeem Juice Corner in Southall, was ordered to pay a £400 fine, £718 in costs, and a £30 victim surcharge, bringing the total charge to £1,148.

The prosecution followed an investigation by the council’s enforcement officers, who were able to prove that the business Naeem Juice Corner could not provide satisfactory evidence on how waste was disposed of from that business on two occasions.

Mr Naeem said that he would observe the collection times for rubbish and refuse in future and be very careful not to overload the rubbish or block the passage. He also explained that he was simply unaware of what was required of him and will comply now he is aware of the rules. The Magistrates gave him credit for his guilty plea.

Councillor Mik Sabiers, cabinet member for environment and highways said: “I am happy that we have secured this prosecution of an individual who was dumping rubbish on the borough’s streets.

“Not knowing the law is no excuse for fly-tipping and unfortunately for this business, a lack of knowledge around how to dispose of rubbish has led to a hefty fine and court proceedings.

“It is vital that local people and businesses make sure they are aware of the laws around fly-tipping. If your commercial waste or bulky items and rubbish ends up on our streets, you will be fined and even prosecuted.

“Fly-tipping is unpleasant for local people, bad for the environment and costs us tens of thousands of pounds per year to clean up. We work across the borough to crack down on fly-tipping and have made it much easier to report fly-tippers, so I encourage anyone who witnesses such behaviour to report it, so we can take strong action.”

Earlier this year the council also successfully prosecuted a business in Southall, which was ordered to pay more than £4,000 for fly-tipping offences.

This followed an investigation by the council’s enforcement officers, who caught staff from Nehanas Kitchen fly-tipping commercial waste on cameras. This successful prosecution was aided by the Cleaner Southall campaign, which focuses on preventing fly-tipping in Southall Broadway and Southall Green wards.

Pictures of offenders caught fly-tipping by Ealing live cameras are being displayed locally to help people recognise alleged offenders and to ensure they are fined. Increased enforcement is also operating in the area.

Local businesses are being strongly advised that the disposal of commercial waste is a serious matter and can result in your business being prosecuted for not complying with your duty of care in accordance with section 34 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990.

Businesses operating throughout the borough are required to have a commercial waste transfer agreement with a licensed waste carrier. Proof of this agreement must be kept on file for at least two years. Enforcement officers do periodically visit businesses to ensure compliance with this requirement.

For further information on dealing with your bulky waste and to report fly-tipping, visit the council’s website. For information about commercial waste requirements, contact


September 10th 2019