Don't Miss The Deadline

Reminder to get applications in for primary schools in Ealing

The deadline for applying for a place at a primary school in the borough for September admission is this Sunday 15 January).

This will effect children born between 1, September 2012 and 31, August 2013.

Changes to allocations came into effect for the first time in 2015 and priority is now given to siblings of children already at the school.

Schools no longer have priority areas, more commonly known as catchments. Instead applications will be assessed on straight-line distances from schools.

In addition, the criterion of exceptional medical and social circumstances has been removed but this will not affect applications from children with a special educational needs statement or education, health and care plan. Appeal panels will still consider exceptional medical and social needs as part of the appeals process.

Faith schools, foundation schools, free schools and academies have their own admission criteria.

The council say those who return late applications have less chance of getting their preferred school. All children who applied on time last year were offered a place at an Ealing primary school and more than 94% were offered a place at one of their top three primary schools.

The easiest way to apply is online at Paper application forms are also available from Ealing primary schools or by contacting Ealing Council’s admissions service.

As a member of the pan-London Admissions Scheme, Ealing Council will then co-ordinate its offers with other London boroughs, ensuring that no one is offered more than one place. There will be a single, national offer day on Monday, 17 April when parents across the country will find out where their child has been offered a school place.

Councillor Binda Rai, cabinet member for children and young people, said: “Missing the applications deadline reduces the chances of your child being offered a place at their preferred school and I would urge parents to ensure they apply by 15 January.

“Our admissions team also advises parents to avoid only listing your first choice of school because many schools do not have places for everyone who applies to them. We therefore need to know where else you might like your child to attend.”

The council say the easiest way to apply is online at

Paper application forms are also available from Ealing primary schools or by contacting Ealing Council’s admissions service.

Help and advice is available from the council’s admissions service on 020 8825 5511 (9am-12noon) or by going to

11 January 2017