Great Architecture in Ealing?

Ealing Civic Society want to hear your nominations

Each year Ealing Civic Society makes awards to recognise and encourage building and environmental projects that make a noteworthy contribution to the community in the London Borough of Ealing. The winners receive a certificate and may display a Society plaque commemorating the award.

The purpose of the Society's award is to stimulate interest among the people of Ealing in development and conservation projects, and to enable them to recognise and reward new buildings, refurbishments or restorations which make a positive contribution to the amenity of Ealing and its townscape. The Society aims to encourage a high standard of architecture, design and fitness for purpose in buildings and other projects throughout the borough.

Awards will be made for schemes that enhance the environment by good design, landscaping, or service to the community of other kinds. They may include new buildings or those which have been substantially restored or refurbished, landscaping or townscape projects. Good design, fitness for purpose and flexibility in meeting changing needs are especially relevant. So too are the demonstration of energy efficiency, good pedestrian access, anti-pollution measures and the re-use of materials.

Certain eligibility conditions apply. The project must be located within the London Borough of Ealing. For completed projects, work must have been completed during the two years preceding the year of the award, and the project must have been in use for its intended purpose for at least six months. Nominations must be made with the consent of the owners of the project. The deadline for entries is 20 September 2006.

Any individual or group living, working, studying or otherwise based in the borough may make nominations.

August 30, 2006