What Do You Think Of Ealing's Controlled Parking Schemes?

Council to review its Controlled Parking Scheme strategy

Residents will be given their say on the effectiveness of the borough’s Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ) policy as part of a review to ensure future schemes best meet local needs.

Ealing Council will review its current policy for creating CPZs so that it can be updated to provide a quicker, more streamlined approach.

Cabinet member for Transport, Councillor Vlod Barchuk, will attend each Area Committee over the coming months to gain feedback from residents. This will help inform the revised CPZ policy which will be presented to the Council’s decision-making Cabinet.

Residents and businesses will have an opportunity to contribute their comments; a special email address cpzreview@ealing.gov.uk has been set up for this purpose.

Councillor Barchuk said: “I welcome this review as it has been quite some time since the Council has taken a look at the criteria for Controlled Parking Zones, how it consults with residents and the way the schemes are implemented.

“Since the last review in 2000 we have seen CPZs spread incrementally across large areas of the borough as well as a considerable number of existing CPZs being extended or amended in some way.

“The time is right to reassess the role and effectiveness of CPZs in Ealing and it is important that residents have their say on what has been working well and what needs to be improved or changed.”

The review will consider a number of issues, including the following:
How areas for a CPZ are identified
How to identify the scale and cause of parking problems in an area
Defining the appropriate size and boundaries of CPZs, particularly where two CPZs meet
How to balance the needs of residents and businesses for limited parking space
The integration of CPZs with other transport schemes and Council initiatives
How to deal with consultation results where there is no substantial majority either for or against a CPZ
Speeding up, where possible, consultation and decision-making process
How often CPZs should be reviewed.

The review will not be looking at CPZ charges. These have been frozen at their current level until at least May 2010.



August 16, 2007