Diary of an Event Manager May 2018

Linda Massey's regular update and appeal for more business sponsors

Brentford Festival

Damage limitations were required in April in Boston Manor Park.  The Friends of Boston Manor to whom I am connected often run mini events but this is the first time something like this has happened to us. 

It started by being awarded some free wild flower seeds from a lottery funded project from Grow Wild and Kew. 

Having lost our meadow in recent years (grumble, grumble) and the knowledge that there would be another music event this year in the same spot, we decided to locate a new area for planting.  On Sunday 22nd April the lovely people in the photograph above turned up to help plant the seeds

I wasn’t around on the Monday (nor was Mary the gardener) but when we were both back on the Tuesday we were horrified to see that all our tread boards laid to show where we had planted and to ease watering had been moved yet our sign stating what we were doing remained.  Worse still contractors working under the flyover were standing in the middle of the prepared site with their big heavy boots on.   It then got worse, they positioned their cherry-picker on the very area that was so lovingly planted.   So, plan B is for the said contractors to supply the friends with more seeds and we just have to do it all again!

On a brighter note though the Brentford Festival 2018 planning is going well but we do need sponsors as we cannot run this event on a shoestring!

So, I asked my colleague Jacquie also with many hats to contribute to this next bit.

“We’ve been told that Brentford Festival is the friendliest community get-together in West London- and we think so too. Every year, up to 12,000 local residents join us to participate in a day that brings all ages and backgrounds together through a shared interest in music, local history, supporting local business and generally just letting our hair down and having a good time.

We are lucky to already be supported by local businesses such as Brentford TW8, Ealing Today, Thorgills, Pam Wade Photography, TSS Scaffolding, CAMRA, Redroutemaster, Brentford FC CST, Teapigs, Footyfun4kids, Friends of Boston Manor and Ealing Half Marathon who help us spread the news”

Would your business benefit from getting in front of over 30k potential customers in the local area?

We now have an active social media campaign across Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, championing our supporters and sponsors and sending our audience to their websites. Through our marketing campaign and media partners we reach over 30k people in Brentford, Ealing, Acton, Isleworth and surrounding areas, not to mention 10-15k visitors on site.

If you’d like to benefit from this and raise your business profile, please contact Jacquie at sponsorship@brentfordfestival.org.uk

   Every pound helps, and it doesn’t have to break the bank!

All our volunteers are from the local community and are known to many of our friends and families in different guises.  Jacquie is behind the healthy eating campaign that is Made in TW8.

 Made in TW8 are experts in vegetable subterfuge and getting kids to eat kale. Through their cookery classes for kids and adults and Facebook and Instagram tips and tricks, they inspire and encourage busy families to cook healthy, nutritious food from scratch a little more often. Their recipes are quick to cook, fun and kid-friendly – always with an eye on budget and quick ways to 5 a day. Saving your sanity one meal at a time.  I am sometimes roped in to helping Jacquie out within the schools so can certainly vouch for their popularity and Jacquie’s enthusiasm. 

Jacquie is also Chair of the Fundraising Committee at Our Lady and St. John Primary School in Brentford so is another hardworking volunteer. 

Do support her  Facebook @madeintw8             Instagram @madeintw8


Linda Massey    2 May 2018

If you need to contact me for any reason, please do so via eventmanager@brentforfestival.org.uk  Our next planning meeting is 7pm Wednesday 9 May in the pavilion in Boston Manor Park if you want to come and offer some help.



May 2nd 2018



Related links
Related Links

BrentfordTW8.com and EalingToday.co.uk