"Wasn't it Rosco biggung up european facsits a while back?They are MASSIVE fans of "strong man" Putin, bankrolled by him actually!" (24/10/24 16:02:00 Paul James)Fascists are an extreme nationalist version of Marxist/Soviet Socialists or the Chinese Communist Party, which are varients of communism/marxism. I somehow do not think Rosco White is a fan of either, based on what he writes, and how he writes.Since the collapse of the Soviet Empire of Hitler's on time Soviet ally in the Moscow Kremlin (ref. - Ribbentrop Molotov Pact, 23/09/1939) in the late 1980s/early 1990s, Vladimir Putin has changed from being a communist, in the Soviet security services, to being like a national socialist/fascist. Both tend to end up being authoritarian neo feudalists, who want power at any cost. Again, I somehow do not think Rosco White is a fan of either fascists or marxist communists, based on what he writes, and how he writes.
Anthony Hawran ● 97d