Gunnersbury Park is an example of what NOT to do.A CIC with a constitution that is so flawed in favour of those at the trough and far from a true benefit.Huge grants for self satisfying schemes and box ticking strings attached yet the park remains bereft of safe walking pathways, has had its wildlife and rare species wiped out, lost a bowls club , tennis courts, affordable facilities, easy parking and summer full access.Money squandered in virtue signalling and now a museum which is not interested in local artefacts or historical donations unless it ticks boxes.Then there's the events which are marketed far and wide but not at the local populace.And the hefty costs of facilities.Yet the core of this one lovely park has not changed. It remains poorly maintained apart from the cash generating areas.The closed shop of trustees, advisors and management are all part of the usual cronies associated with executive jobs in local authorities and are virtually untouchable by the two local authorities. More to do with 'Mates in places' than what needs to be done.No doubt a regional park will be run by the same and no doubt feted by the usual suspects and similarly with the same degree of spin and misleading exemplified by the debacle that is Lammas Park
Raymond Havelock ● 119d