"We have a lovely Council ......" (23/08/24 19:23:00 Rosco White)No, we do not have a lovely Council. Planning Magazine highlights the fact that Labour run Ealing Council are just running dogs and lackeys for developers. This is underlined by the fact that Idi Amin's illegitimate son welcomed the magazine's report. As Hanwell born one time owner of Chelsea Football Club, Ken Bates, stated in a different context, Labour run Ealing Council like "licking the a**e of the guy (the developer) above you & sh****ing on the bloke (the residents) beneath you." (The Sun, Thursday, June 6, 2024)An example of this happening, was the way that the Labour run Ealing Council conducted the Planning Committee meeting of 19th October 2022, in a predetermined authoritarian way shows that they are more akin to the totalitarian regimes, such as the Third Reich and their one time Soviet Socialist allies, in the Moscow Kremlin, than to centre ground Social Democrats. This, in itself does not inspire much confidence in me towards Labour run Ealing Council. In relation to the application decided upon, on that date, the Friary Park Estate, ref 221747HYBRID, as well as two others, the Labour dominated Planning Committee just seemed intent on meeting targets for superficial targets sake. The present council just seem to build death trap towers/rabbit hutched council tax farms just to feed money to the disingenuous virtue signalling top dog council nomenklatura. This also includes Ealing Democratic Services. Planning Application 221747HYBRID was voted through irrespective of meeting genuine housing need, along with the other two.The authoritarian nature of Labour run Ealing Council was shown up at the Planning Committee meeting by the fact that they employed a security unit that only let in the chosen sychophantic supporters of the developers of the Friary Park Estate into the public gallery. Members of the general public were excluded. Later on, the authoritarian Council High Command relented somewhat to let in a limted number of the general public to view the proceedigs. Perhaps they realised, that they did not want the Planning Committee meeting to look like some closed self-congratulatory rubber stamping Soviet Congress.Compared to earlier Planning Committee meetings, eg 2013/14, the increasingly authoritarian Labour run Ealing Council seem intent on denying people of the general public access to written copies of the agenda and briefing notes, before the meetings started. In the one-time Soviet Empire of Hitler's one time ally in the Kremlin, written material was only available at the whim of the ruling top dog nomenklatura. In Ealing Council's case, they seem to want the public to exclusively rely on them for information through the internet. Labour run Ealing Council seemed to have used the so-called Covid pandemic to limit peoples access to written material and to meetings for their own authoritarian egos sake, it seems.What I saw at the Planning Committee meeting on 19th October 2022, certainly suggests a predetermined authoritarian Labour run Ealing Council intent on being totalitarian in how they want to control the public and their access to information. All this, so that they can endear themselves to developers at the expense of the people. They increasingly hide behind their mercenary security services to achieve this, just like totalitarian regimes did in the last century. No wonder Planning Magazine "rates" Labour run Ealing Council with a platinum rating, because just like Ken Bates stated they like "licking the a**e of the guy (the developer) above you & sh****ing on the bloke (the residents) beneath you." Further to this they stopped sending out Planning Notification letters to people that could be affected by developments next door to them in the summer of 2015. Again, they seem to like licking the a**e of the developer at the expense of the people.
Anthony Hawran ● 152d