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I have yet to meet a health professional who thinks that we should not be vaccinating more than we are. The decisions are political based on cost and our present government will not spend a penny to help anyone as can be evidenced by the waiting lists for NHS treatment Certainly! Medical professionals in the UK advocate for increased COVID-19 vaccination for several reasons:Public Health Protection: Vaccination helps protect individuals and communities from severe illness, hospitalization, and death caused by COVID-19. By achieving widespread vaccination, we can reduce the overall impact of the virus on public health.Herd Immunity: Vaccinating a significant portion of the population creates herd immunity. When enough people are immune, the virus has fewer opportunities to spread, protecting those who cannot be vaccinated (such as individuals with certain medical conditions or allergies).Reducing Transmission: Vaccinated individuals are less likely to transmit the virus to others. By vaccinating more people, we can slow down the spread of COVID-19 in the community.Variants: Vaccination helps prevent the emergence of new variants. The more people vaccinated, the fewer chances the virus has to mutate and develop into more dangerous variants.Healthcare System Resilience: High vaccination rates reduce the burden on healthcare systems. Fewer severe cases mean hospitals can better manage patient care and allocate resources effectively.Economic Recovery: Widespread vaccination contributes to economic recovery by allowing businesses to operate more safely and reducing the need for lockdowns and restrictions.Everything with Miser Sunak is about about not spending a penny whatsoever even when it is needed. We can afford to look after our population, however, people like Miser Sunak don't get humanity or love, they just enjoy sitting in their counting houses like Ebeneezer Scrooge polishing their gold coins. The Sunak legacy looks set to be as bad as the legacy of The Legacy. Inhumanity, parsimony and death - here in the UK in Gaza and in the Ukraine. Wow! What a MAN!

Mark Hammond ● 75d

Vaccinating a significant proportion of the population against COVID-19 is crucial for several reasons:Reducing Transmission:Vaccinated individuals are likely to be less contagious than non-vaccinated people. Their overall viral load is lower, making it harder for the virus to spread from person to person1.When enough people are vaccinated, the virus struggles to find new hosts, leading to a decline in transmission rates.Herd Immunity:Herd immunity occurs when a sufficient percentage of the population becomes immune to a disease, either through vaccination or previous infection.For COVID-19, estimates vary, but achieving herd immunity typically requires vaccinating 60-70% of the population2. However, this number can change based on factors like the virus variant and vaccine efficacy.Protecting Vulnerable Groups:Vaccination shields those who cannot receive the vaccine (e.g., due to medical reasons) by reducing overall transmission.Vulnerable populations, such as the elderly and immunocompromised, benefit indirectly when others around them are vaccinated.Preventing Overwhelmed Healthcare Systems:High vaccination rates reduce severe cases, hospitalizations, and deaths.A well-vaccinated population ensures that healthcare systems can manage COVID-19 cases effectively.How is the UK doing numerically?As of November 2, 2023, approximately 38% of the population over the age of 16 in England has received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine3.WAY WAY TOO FEW and most of these vaccinations were made YEARS ago and need a booster

Mark Hammond ● 75d

It is not a political ideology it is an idea that transcends contemporary Toryism which the Tory's once shared, so lets look at it from a faith or belief perspective: not killing people is a pretty good idea and killing people you are if you make it too expensive to get a vaccine or vaccinate enough of the population: 1) Judaism:In Judaism, the commandment “Thou shalt not kill” (Exodus 20:13) is one of the Ten Commandments. It emphasizes the sanctity of human life and prohibits murder. However, Jewish tradition recognizes exceptions, such as self-defense or capital punishment for certain crimes1.Christianity:Christians also adhere to the commandment “Thou shalt not kill.” However, interpretations vary:Pacifism: Some Christian denominations advocate for absolute non-violence, even in self-defense or war.Just War Theory: Others believe in the concept of a “just war,” where violence may be justified under specific circumstances (e.g., defense of innocent lives).Abortion and Euthanasia: Christians debate whether these practices violate the commandment1.Islam (Muslims):The Quran explicitly prohibits murder (Quran 17:33). Muslims believe in the sanctity of life and emphasize compassion and mercy.Exceptions include self-defense, defense of others, and capital punishment for severe crimes under Islamic law (Sharia)2.Hinduism:Hinduism does not have a single, unified scripture like the Abrahamic religions. However, the concept of “ahimsa” (non-violence) is central.Ahimsa extends beyond humans to all living beings. Killing is discouraged, and compassion is emphasized3.Buddhism:Buddhism also upholds the principle of ahimsa. The First Precept in Buddhism is to abstain from taking life.Buddhists believe in karma – the consequences of actions – and recognize that killing harms both the victim and the perpetrator3.Humanism:Humanism is a secular worldview that emphasizes reason, ethics, and compassion.Humanists value human life and well-being, promoting non-violence, empathy, and social justice.While not tied to religious texts, humanist ethics align with the idea of not killing people3.Free for too few. other more civilised countries are doing it better, massively overpriced for the many or indeed unavavilble, its like dental care Tory-style, so is Covid prophylaxis. So I am still waiting for the mythical £30 Covid Jab, or 'Plumber Joe', or sober politicians in the House of Commons when making world-changing decision, or flying pigs whichever is the most likely.

Mark Hammond ● 75d