Hanwell and Northfields Rotary Host Charity Race Night

In aid of Shelter Box

When disaster hits, it is sometime very hard for a charity to respond and make an instant impact, one charity that has been doing this very successfully and achieving great results for the past 10 years is Shelter Box. So what do Shelter Box do?

Well they instantly respond to earthquake, volcano, flood, hurricane, cyclone, tsunami or conflict by delivering boxes of aid.
Each box supplies an extended family with a tent and lifesaving equipment to use while they are displaced or homeless. The contents are tailored depending on the nature and location of the disaster, with great care taken sourcing every item to ensure it is robust enough to be of lasting value.
Each box bears its own unique number so as a donor you can track your box all the way to its recipient country via the website
Highly trained ShelterBox Response Teams distribute boxes on the ground, working closely with local organisations, international aid agencies and Rotary clubs worldwide.
Since its inception in 2000, ShelterBox has firmly established itself at the forefront of international disaster relief, providing emergency shelter for the people who need it most on every continent

As part of its efforts over the last 2 months Shelter box have distributed over 1200 boxes in Pakistan and Mexico. As well as this they have made a commitment to provide shelter for up to 147,590 people in Pakistan in the coming months.

To aid Shelter Box in their work the Rotary Club of Hanwell & Northfields will be holding a Charity Race Night on the 22nd October 2010 at the Brentham Club, Ealing with all profits from the evening going to the charity. This is a ticket only event, so if you would like to attend please book in advance.

So what is a Charity Race night I hear you ask? To put it simply, you gather a group of people together who like to have a fun evening, you provide food, drink and most importantly a collection of horse racing DVD’s which are played during the evening.

Before each race the guest are invited to place bets on individual horses to try and guess the winner, before the start of the race a set percentage of money taken is set aside for the chosen charity, the rest of the money is then available as prize money for the winners of the race.

For the last race of the evening the horses are usually auctioned and half of the money raised is given to the chosen charity and the other half goes to the winning owner.

We realise that not everyone who would like to support the event will be able to attend on the night, with this in mind we have set up a Just Giving page at:


Alternatively if you would like more information or would like to attend the event you can visit our website at:
Contact Bill
By phone on 07534 260095
By Email At: youth@hanwell-northfieldsrotary.org.uk


12 October 2010


Related links
Related Links

Shelter Box response team

Recent Activity in Pakistan