Northfields Allotments Holding Summer Open Day

Huge crowds expected for event at London's oldest community plots

Capital Chorus entertains visitors at a previous Open Day
Capital Chorus entertains visitors at a previous Open Day

June 25, 2024

The hugely popular Summer Open Day at Northfields Allotment is approaching.

The venue will be open its gates to the public for the eighth time on Sunday 7 July at Northfield Avenue, West Ealing between 1pm and 5pm.

It is a chance to visit London’s oldest allotment site which dates from 1832, when the Bishop of London enclosed the site for use as allotments by the local community.

It comprises 173 allotments on the eastern side. The site is fully rented and has a waiting list of 450 people.

Visitors will be able to see the wide variety of plots and check out what is growing, as well as finding out about the site’s wildlife and history.

There will be a refreshment stall selling tea, coffee and cakes, a plant and produce stall, a BBQ and a bar.

Other attractions include: an apiary, a World War II Anderson shelter and a wildlife-friendly shed made from recycled materials.

Bees proved to be a big attraction at a previous Open Day

During the walk through the allotment, visitors will also be able to check out the awards won by plotholders based on strict judging criteria.

Entry is free , although donations will be welcome.

Visitors should come to the main allotment gates at the northern end of Northfield Avenue in West Ealing (opposite Dean Court). Dogs are welcome if kept on a lead.

Christina Fox, Chair of the Allotments’ Committee, said, “The plots will be looking at their best as we reach peak growing season. We’re proud of our site and we enjoy sharing it with the local community.”

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