1042 is Feeling (Almost) Positive

Just 10 days to go to Ealing Half Marathon

I was looking back at some of my Ealing Half Marathon diary entries for last year and you know what? I reckon I've come a long way.

My trainers: when they were new

When I started running I really struggled to do even one lap around Lammas Park. It was very hard and not particularly enjoyable. But the thing is, if you do it enough you will see an improvement.

Fast forward to this year and over this last week or two I have ventured out to take a look at the scary half-marathon route. I actually ran more than I have ever done before and yesterday I even conquered the mountain that is Greenford Avenue - no mean feat.

Proof I've been running! Time for some new ones?


Sure I am extremely slow, have no intention of racing anyone, and will never have any great time to boast about - but I don't care.

Running is very personal and the challenge for me is not to beat anyone to the finish line, but merely to get there myself.

I'm not going to have my headphones on this time as I think I run better when I'm aware of what's going on around me - so please come out and show your support.

The inaugural race in 2012 was a fantastic experience and wonderful atmosphere, Ealing residents came out in force and were great.

This year I urge everyone to support those at the back just as much as the superstars at the front - especially the one with the very pained expression wearing number 1042 who is wondering how on earth she got roped into this once again.


I am raising money for Epilepsy Action - the headline charity for the race.

Please sponsor me if you can, every little helps:



10 days to go


Annemarie Flanagan



12th September 2013