Bearcat Comedy at The Viaduct

Friday 20th February

The Top Comedians keep on coming to Bearcat at the Viaduct, Hanwell - This week we are delighted to present the Very Dapper, and most Top Comedy Worsdsmith TOM WRIGGLESWORTH...

TOM WRIGGLESWORTH - I had the absolute pleasure of seeing Tom at our St Margarets Club last week and can report he was on the Finest Form - A REAL TREAT -

SUZI RUFFELL - The Guardian (no less) called her "a Standup Gem", and Time Out "one to watch" - back from a recent tour with Romesh Ranganathan (still to visit us) - (clip contains rudeness)

PETE CAIN - a most direct comedian who has got solutions to many of today's problems - (from 2007)

SIMON CLAYTON - by his own description is "male, fat, mixed-race, balding" - note balding - not boring -

and in the Short Spot this week - Hanwell's very own... from There Cycling JIM KENT -

This show is selling fast so To RESERVE tickets which GUARANTEE ENTRY click on the BOOK NOW button and state your requirements - I will confirm your reservation.

There may not not be seats for all, so to be SURE of seats for this show, get in the queue from 7.55pm  - if you have a medical condition please mention when booking and we will make special arrangements.

Please spread the word and make THIS the week that you make down to see us...


19th February 2015