Keep Calm and Carry On

West Ealing Neighbours AGM - Wed 2 March


Keep Calm and Carry On is the theme of this years AGM which we're holding at St James Church, St James Avenue ( back of Sainsbury's) on Wednesday 2nd March starting 7.30pm.

As the budget cuts bite, jobs are lost and everyone feels the pressure on their finances we have asked a range of local groups to come and talk for 5 minutes about their activities with the aim of helping, intriguing and inspiring us to get through the tough times ahead.

So far we have signed up to speak:

Ealing Freecycle - where you can give and get all manner of recycled goods from washing machines and bricks to toys and baby clothes

Ealing Transition - a group focused on the effects on our lives of climate change and peak oil. They have set up a community garden in Acton, give advice on growing to new allotment holders and much more

Winter Night Shelter project - a new project set up by local churches, including St James, to help homeless people over the winter

Ealing Cycling Campaign - help and advice on getting cycling

Cultivate London - a brand new initiative from our local charity, Ealing and Brentford Consolidated Charity, which aims to take on derelict land and convert them into high yield herb farms to generate jobs and training in practical horticulture for disadvantaged young people. They are looking for volunteer mentors to work for a minimum of two hours a month to share gardening knowledge and work experience.

Ealing LETS - the Local Exchange Trading Scheme - a way for people to exchange their time and skills using a local currency and help create an 'alternative' local economy based on need.



21 February 2011


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West Ealing Neighbours