Warren Farm  - A Councillor Responds

Conservative group leader David Millican replies to Nic Ferriday

Nic Ferriday, Chair of Brent River & Canal Society, has written an open letter to Ealing Councillors urging they prevent the  'giveaway' of 61 acres of open land to QPR football club.

The Conservative group leader, Councillor David Millican, has sent this response:

Dear Nic:

Many thanks for sharing your concerns. I am happy to respond on behalf  of the Conservative Councillors, to whom you have written. 

We have been fighting to keep the Warren Farm wholly in public use despite the determination of the Labour council to allow it to be fenced off for the exclusive use of QPR.

You might be aware that as the Opposition, we have "called-in" the decision twice for the Council's Overview and Scrutiny Committee to re-consider the matter.  

The first time was on the basis that, as Conservatives, we thought that 200 years was too long to lease the land and the second on the basis of the financial standing of QPR as a business.
However the fact remains that the Labour Cabinet have taken the decision and the Labour dominated planning committee have agreed the proposal.

I am sure an administration of a different colour would have constructed a different method to bring Warren Farm back to a high standard; but that is for electorate to decide next year.
As opposition Councillors we have been consistent and objective in that this is a poor deal for Ealing.

Yours sincerely
Councillor David Millican Conservative Group Leader





August 30th 2013