Warnings at Walpole - Keep Out of Playground

Children spotted using new equipment

Park goers are being warned to keep out of the new playground at Walpole Park as it's still under construction.

The area is still surrounded by fencing and hasn't offically been opened but youngsters have been spotted using the new equipment - which could be dangerous.

An Ealing Council spokesperson said:

''The new eco-friendly, three-zoned playground at Walpole Park is progressing well and whilst we understand people are keen to start using the fantastic new play equipment, the site is still under construction and it is unsafe to enter the areas which are fenced off to the public. People are asked to use the existing playground until the new playground is completely finished later this summer.”

The council say they've had mostly positive reactions to the redevelopment of Walpole Park and are confident visitors will be 'delighted' once it is all complete.

In July 2011, the council was awarded £2.4million from the Heritage Lottery Fund to help restore and preserve some of the park’s historic features, as well as build new facilities.


However some residents are unhappy that work on Ealing's main park - which started last September - hasn't been finished in time for the school holidays, others have complained about the the new loose gravel style footpaths.

The council say the gravel was chosen to give the park a 'heritage' feel and more unified look and offer reassurances that it will embed itself into the surface tar and eventually be a smooth surface.

An Ealing Council spokesperson said:

"The general view of the restoration work now open to the public is extremely positive and we are confident that visitors will be delighted once all the work on the park is complete."

There is still no date for when the café and playground will open - we are told it will be ' later in the summer' with an official opening ceremony in the autumn.


Do you like the new look Walpole Park? Discuss on the forum.


30th July 2014







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Restoration project