'Dangerous Precedent' Set by Grant of Planning Permission to Local Councillors

Neighbours angry house extension in conservation area approved

A controversial application to extend a seven bedroom house in a Hanwell conservation area has been given the go-ahead - leading to fears that it may have set a dangerous precedent.

Councillors Ray and Lauren Wall - who are also planning committee members - applied to build a double height extension to their property on Manor Court Road which is part of the Golden Manor Conservation Area.

17 Manor Court Road Hanwell

No 17, Cllr Wall's house

There were 16 objections to the scheme including the Hanwell Village Green Conservation Area Residents' Association who said it amounted to overdevelopment in a conservation area.

15 Manor Court Road
No 15 Manor Court Road showing extension being built at no 17

Councillor Wall's direct neighbour, Jennifer Moseley, employed chartered surveyors, BVP, to look at the proposals and they strongly objected to the application.

They wrote: ''There is no doubt this extension is wholly inappropriate both visually and in the context of my client’s daylight. If it should get as far as Committee, then I trust it will be recommended for refusal as there are simply no grounds upon which it can be approved.''

17 Manor Court Road
Side extension being built at No 17

Previous applications for single side and rear extensions were rubber stamped and last night Ealing planning committee voted 10/3 to approve the Wall's latest plans.

Ms Moseley is very disappointed with the decision. She says, '' The planners and the labour group were determined to get this application through They were clearly going through the motions to make it look like they were considering what was in front of them, when in fact it was a done deal. The whole process was a sham. It seems Planning have an enormous amount of power as there is no appeal process or independent scrutiny of their decisions, other than through incredibly expensive and high risk legal processes. I am pursuing a complaint but by the time I get to an ombudsman the whole thing will be long built.''

Liberal Democrat Councillor Jon Ball, was one of the three who voted against. He says: ''Two-storey flat-roofed extensions are not found in the Hanwell Village Green conservation area so this decision sets a dangerous precedent. A single storey extension was approved last year for this house and it is unfortunate that the committee did not stop there

It had been claimed that the applicants may have had an unfair advantage because of who they are but an Ealing council spokesperson denied this would be the case:

''It is appropriate for planning applications made by councillors to be heard by the planning committee. This allows for a greater level of scrutiny and transparency when a decision is made. The members of the planning committee maintain high professional standards at all times and consider each application on its merits and in accordance to the requirements of planning legislation.''


19th May 2016