Try YuMeiHo in Ealing

As triyoga opens in Dickens Yard we test out one of the therapies

I'm always on the lookout for the perfect exercise - you know one that doesn't feel like exercise at all. I keep trying with running but haven't fallen in love with it yet ( maybe 2018 will be the year?) so am still searching for.... something.

When I was invited to a class at the new and rather impressive fitness destination that has just opened in Dickens Yard, triyoga , I thought I was actually going to do that - Try Yoga. Yoga, in one of its many forms sounds like it might suit so I am very keen to give it a go, but there was something rather more intriguing in store for me.

YuMeiHo - no it's not an exotic noodle based dish,  and I have never heard of it before either. It's not exercise, it's a rather holistic treatment.

Imagine a cross between massage, shiatsu, reflexology, physiotherapy and throw in some chiropractic and you begin to get an idea. But you really need to experience this for yourself to truly appreciate it.

Grant Baldwin

Grant Baldwin is one of the few therapists qualified to perform YuMeiHo and skillfully combines his years of training and experience.

Lying (fully clothed), flat on the mat, he first asseses my problem areas and then gets to work. He massages and manoeuvres various points and then performs corrective measures to help realign joints.

Encouraging me to breathe deeply his swift actions result in  various 'clicks' as tensions are released. It's a little scary to be honest but I'm in capable hands and feel confident that Grant knows what he is doing. He is sensitive to my fears, explains the procedures as he is doing them and helps me relax by chatting and telling me about his unconventional path to becoming this holistic guru.

A former soldier, Grant now enjoys helping people through practicing this technique, he has trained as an Holistic Massage Therapist, Reiki Teacher, Shamanic Practitioner and now, Yumeiho Therapist. He says: '' The nature of my work has been continuously developing and unfolding over many years, so much so, that it has been difficult to define; But in essence, i feel it is about ‘getting things moving’ again, that have become stuck and are causing discomfort and pain.''

This type of therapy is said to support and strengthen the body's natural ability to heal and balance itself and practioners say it is most effective when approached as a programme of corrective, preventative and restorative care.

Would it suit everyone? Well it is a fairly intense experience - and you really need to trust the therapist who will help you 'let go' of tension, if you don't like massage or hands on type therapies then this isn't for you.

As for me? Well I left feeling energised and rather euphoric and physically much more relaxed and yes, I certainly would try it again.

It's the sort of treatment which if it was provided on the NHS could help cure many long standing ailments. Sadly it's currently only available privately but the good news is you can give it a try here in Ealing.

Treatment sessions available


Annemarie Flanagan




30th November 2017