Tree Fall Narrowly Misses Car on Uxbridge Road

Incident stopped traffic on the busy road just after midnight

(Picture via twitter @CrossedT)

Motorists and road users on the Uxbridge Road in Ealing town centre had a lucky escape in the night (4 September) after a tree crashed down, missing a car by inches.

It happened close to the fire station shortly after midnight and was witnessed by Tanu Kurien who posted the images on twitter.

( (pic via twitter @CrossedT)

It's not known what caused the fall but it's raised concerns regarding the safety of other trees following the long hot summer.

An Ealing council spokesperson said: ''This appears to have fallen from private land, so we can’t comment on why it might have fallen. All our street trees are regularly inspected on a 3-yearly cycle to ensure they are healthy, structurally safe and not causing a legal nuisance.''

5th September 2018