Christmas Toy Appeal

Take your new toys to Hanwell charity

The William Hobbayne charity in Hanwell has launched its annual toy appeal. The collection point is W7 Emporium at 60 Boston Rd (opposite Wickes).

The charity is asking for a range of new toys and  gifts for children and teens up to the age of 18. The toys will be distributed in Ealing through schools, voluntary and community organisations and to individual families supported by the charity.

The charity was established way back in the 15th century by a philanthropist who left a house and some land to help the poor and needy. Over that time it has supported  schools, families affected by smallpox and given coal to the unemployed  in the 1930s. These days, from their base  at an old Salvation Army centre in St Dunstan’s Rd, they give grants to individuals and organisations in the area. 




December 3rd 2015