Southall Residents Angry Over Waterside Development

Meeting over health concerns has been delayed

( Angela Fonso with Emma and Karen< pic credit Ged Cann)

Residents living near the new Southall Waterside housing estate are angry a meeting to address health concerns over the development of the former gas works has been put off until after the European Elections.

The council says the delay is to avoid breaking purdah rules, which forbids elected members taking part in any council-run activity that could be seen as promoting their party pre-election.

However, one frustrated resident pointed out council Leader Julian Bell along with a number of councillors appeared at a ribbon cutting ceremony for the first new homes on the same site on May 3 – the day purdah began.

The woman, who lives just over a mile from the old gas works and asked not to be named, said: “That seems to be okay – to promote it in the purdah period, but not having a public meeting seems a bit odd. They should have done it before.

“We’ve been on at them for months and months and months about this public meeting and they’ve put it off for one reason or another. They just don’t want to meet the public.”

The woman said her family was constantly bothered by a petrol-like smell, which she first thought was neighbours burning plastic on bonfires.

Other residents have complained of headaches, asthma-like symptoms and mental confusion, and many do not want to wait until polls close on May 23 to talk to decision-makers. 

Council Leader Julian Bell said the opening of new homes at the Gas Works was not organised or promoted by the council, and did not use any council resources.

He said: “Pre-election ‘purdah’ rules do not apply to Berkeley Group as a private company.

“The Council is committed to holding a public meeting on the gas works redevelopment as soon as possible after the EU elections.”

Mr Bell said the political leadership of the council did not make the decision about how it ensured impartiality during pre-election periods.

He said: “Guidance from the council’s legal and democratic services team is that during all pre-election ‘purdah’ periods, elected politicians are not used in any council publicity. That includes putting forward elected politicians as representatives of the council and its policies at public meetings – such as the Gas Works meeting.”

“My preference would be to hold this meeting sooner.”

3750 new homes for 10,000 people

Over the next 25 years, Southall Waterside is set to include around 3,750 homes for 10,000 people.

Local Government Association guidelines recommend not arranging “proactive media or events involving candidates”, however the organisation does highlight that the council could choose for events to be hosted by a non-political figure.

Responding to the possibility of having a council officer host the meeting, Mr Bell said: “In my view it is essential that elected councillors are able to hear from local people about their concerns regarding the Gas Works at a public meeting.”

“It was a key request of community campaigners that a structured public meeting be arranged and promoted by the council, with elected politicians, council officers, Berkeley Group, the Environment Agency and Public Health England in attendance.”

“I can assure you that holding a public meeting is a priority, and it will be arranged as soon as possible after the European Parliamentary elections.”

Angela Fonso and her two daughters live about a third of a mile from the sites Brent Road entrance, and said she had experienced the smell of petrol in her children’s bedrooms at night.

She said she had suffered headaches, nausea, persistent coughing, eye irritation and mental confusion and one of her daughters has been prescribed an inhaler since the works began.

She said: “I feel that it is a situation that’s a matter of urgency.”

“It’s an issue that’s having such a severe impact on residents’ health and lifestyle.”

Mrs Fonso is part of Clean Air for Southall and Hayes (CASH) and said residents wanted a public meeting with “people with decision making powers”.

She said: “We’re pretty blunt, we don’t want customer service staff attending.

The council had organised a meeting previously, but Mrs Fonso said it was scheduled during working hours and had been called off.

Amrik Mahi ( pictured) lives a quarter of a mile from the site, and said the council was putting new homes ahead of existing residents’ health. Mr Mahi had a heart attack five years ago and said a year ago he suddenly found walking difficult, with a 100-yard stroll giving him chest pain.

He cannot prove the redevelopment is to blame, but said in the two months since works stopped he is able to walk again without discomfort.

The Berkeley Group says it has not been approached by the council to arrange a meeting.

A council spokesperson said: “We have not yet locked in a date but when we do our residents will be the first to know.

“We’re currently organising a suitable date with Public Health England and the Environment Agency as the meeting was for the regulatory agencies, not the developer.”

A Berkeley Group representative said: “Cleaning contaminated land is a highly regulated activity and all our work was closely monitored and approved by the authorities, including the London Borough of Ealing and the Environment Agency.

“Berkeley’s remediation work is now complete and cleaning this land has brought it into use for much needed housing, including affordable homes for Ealing residents.”

Public Health England (PHE) was called on to review air quality monitoring data around Southall Waterside, and the organisation found that although there have been short term spikes in levels of chemicals including naphthalene and benzene, the results reviewed so far suggest that there is low long-term risk to health.

A spokeswoman for PHE said overall, the results for the air quality monitoring were considered “unlikely to pose a direct toxicological risk” to the long-term health of the nearby population.

PHE recommended all measures be taken to reduce the off-site odours from the construction site, after it was acknowledged that odours can affect an individuals’ wellbeing.

She said: “Any decisions regarding future remediation of the site are the responsibility of the Local Authority and Environment Agency.”

Berkeley group refused to comment on whether further odour reductions efforts were planned.

There was concern among the community that PHE was using air quality guidelines intended for occupational exposure.

However, the organisation’s spokeswoman said the standards being used were for the protection of the general population and were often at lower levels than the standards for occupational exposure.

She said: ”On the basis of the available monitoring data, the majority of the identified chemicals were lower than the relevant air quality guidelines or standards, with the exception of benzene, and 4-isopropyltoluene, which were intermittently above the guideline values whilst naphthalene levels were regularly above the guideline values.”

“The exceedances have been for shorter periods compared with the guidelines which are based on annual average concentrations and are set to be protective over a lifetime; therefore, exceedances for part of the lifetime would not automatically result in an increased risk to health.”

“The exceedances have also remained below levels likely to cause acute or short term health effects.”

She said the monitoring stations were on the site boundary, so concentrations of dangerous compounds were likely more diluted by the time they reached resident’s homes.

“However, it would be undesirable for the levels of naphthalene on-site to remain elevated and the levels should be reduced to prevent prolonged exposures.”

Ealing Council is responsible for overseeing all aspects of the regeneration of the site, including the treatment of contaminated land and the construction of roads and buildings.

According to PHE, the council’s contaminated land officer has been involved in the remedial works, ensuring the treated soils are suitable for re-use.

This work will continue with the overseeing of the soft landscaping and checking that imported soil and topsoil are safe for future land use.

The Environment Agency (EA) is responsible for the protection and enhancement of the environment in England generally.

It regulates the soil remediation work at the site and advises the council on the management of land affected by contamination, including the protection of water courses and groundwater.

Officers from both Ealing Council and the Environment Agency attend the site every month as part of the remediation validation process.  

Public Health England (PHE) provides government bodies, professionals and the public with scientific support and expertise.  

PHE provides public health advice and does not have a role in supervising or regulating the development.

Ged Cann, Local Democracy Reporter


21 May 2019