Petition Over Ealing Anti-Abortion Vigil

Council urged to set up exclusion zone around Marie Stopes clinic

(Picture: Peter Gould)

A petition has been set up calling on Ealing Council to move anti-abortion groups from outside a local clinic.

The regular vigil is held outside the Marie Stopes Reproductive Centre on Mattock Lane and leaflets are given out which the groups say are to offer help and support to women who may have been pressured into having an abortion.

'Sister Supporter' is the group which has launched the petition opposing the vigil and members have regularly held counter protests in the area against the actions of the pro-life campaigners. They say women seeking the clinics services should be free from interference and intimidation.

The Council is being urged to use its powers to establish a Public Spaces Protection Order which would move campaigners at least 100 metres away.

The petition which currently has 1767 signatures reads:

''The anti-abortionist vigils that occur daily on Mattock Lane amount to more than the exercise of their right to protest and it is time that action is taken to prevent this harassment. The council can protect the space around the clinic under s59 of the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 and also have duties under s149 Equality Act 2010 to eliminate discrimination, harassment and victimisation of women. The sustained intimidation and presence outside the clinic not only causes great distress to patients, but has a persistent detrimental effect on people living, working in and visiting the Walpole ward.''


Pro-life organisations including The Good Counsel Network along with The Helpers of God's Precious Infants and 40 Days for Life Campaign have regular prayer vigils outside the clinic.

Clare McCullough of The Good Counsel Network said, "We offer alternatives and support to the many women we meet outside Marie Stopes who are under pressure to abort. Hundreds of women accept our support. We provide a range of support to women including moral support, housing, financial assistance, a safe place to hide, domestic violence solutions, obtaining legal and medical advice.

"Sister Support do their best to obstruct women in hearing about our support, shouting at them not to take our leaflets and sometimes snatching the leaflets out of their hands. They offer no support or help to these women except to rush them into Marie Stopes as fast as possible.

"Marie Stopes also take the leaflets from women entering their centre and sometimes tell them they are not allowed to enter with our leaflets. Though they may disagree with our leaflets a substantial part of the leaflet is simply offering help, support, babysitting etc to women under pressure. How is taking these leaflets facilitating choice?

"We do not intimidate women. If we did, no-one would take our leaflets or our help."

A spokesperson for Ealing Council said: ''The council’s petition scheme is published on our internet site. To prompt a debate at full council a petition normally needs 1500 signatures. As things stand, it is likely the Marie Stopes clinic petition will qualify for full council debate, the date of that debate to be identified”.

4 July 2017