Virendra Sharma Announces Intention to Stand Down

Veteran MP will not be contesting Ealing Southall at General Election

Virendra Sharma endorsed Keir Starmer's leadership as he stepped down
Virendra Sharma endorsed Keir Starmer's leadership as he stepped down

May 28, 2024

Virendra Sharma has announced that he will be standing down as MP for Ealing Southall and not contesting the seat at the General Election.

He wrote to party members in his Ealing Southall constituency this Monday evening (27 May) confirming that he would not be seeking re-election.

He has contested and won the seat five times including his original by-election victory in 2007.

In his letter he says, "It has been the privilege of a lifetime to serve as the Member of Parliament for Ealing Southall. Across five elections I have been honoured to be re-elected each time, and to have had the support of the Labour Party to stand again now. It has been a pleasure to work for and with the many people of Ealing Southall, in Greenford, West Ealing, Hanwell, Northfields and Southall. I am proud of what we have achieved, the vibrancy of our community and its unity.

“It is clear to me that the country is crying out for change, and that Keir, Angela and the whole Labour Party represent the change this country needs. I was proud to nominate Keir for leader in 2020, and the promises he made then to rebuild this party have put us on the path to power and made me proud to serve as a Labour MP. We swept antisemitism from the Labour Party and we have gone from our worst result in a century, to the edge of Government.

“As a British-Indian and as a Hindu, as a Labour Member, Councillor and MP I have never struggled to reconcile those different, but complimentary, identities. Over nearly 50 years I have served the party in one form or another. Now I believe the time has come for another chapter to begin.

“I want to let you know that I will not be standing at the next election. From surgeries, community forums, charity fairs and street stalls, I am proud of the work we have done standing up to the Tories and for the people of Ealing Southall. I am sure my successor will do the same and wish whoever they are the best of luck in the most amazing job they will ever have.

“This does not dim my desire for Labour to win, and win I am sure we will. I will continue to support Labour, and I hope to continue to be part of the Labour project, but not from inside the House of Commons. The help and backing of so many friends and family over the last fifty years made this possible, but especially the constant unstinting support of Nirmala my wife.

Virendra Sharma (right) with Tony Blair
Virendra Sharma (right) with Tony Blair

“I want to wish you the best of luck for the election campaign, I will still be there pounding the streets, and look forward to celebrating Labour’s entry into Downing Street with all of you."

Mr Sharma has faced challenges from within the party losing a no confidence vote in 2019 after a motion was presented by membership of the Momentum Group.

Virendra Sharma on a platform with Michael Foot in 1995
Virendra Sharma on a platform with Michael Foot in 1995

It is understood that, with his decision coming so close to the General Election, the national Labour Party will have a greater say in the candidate chosen to replace him.

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