Inspectors Impressed with Featherstone Primary & Nursery School

Award 'Outstanding' ranking in all categories

Picture: Featherstone Primary School

June 19, 2024

Featherstone Primary & Nursery School in Southall has received a glowing report from Ofsted inspectors after their visit last month.

The school was awarded the top rank of ‘Outstanding’, not just overall, but in every single category assessed after the two day inspection on 8 and 9 May.

The positive report was not a major surprise as Ofsted announced after a visit in 2022, the school would have received an Outstanding rating if the inspection had been a graded one.

Headteacher Des Lee said he was particularly proud that the inspectors noted that the children loved attending the school and the focus on supporting mental health and well-being, as well as character development.

It was also recorded that parents and carers were overwhelmingly positive about the education their children receive.

The report states, “This school has a culture of high aspirations and continual improvement based on the very highest expectations for all. Dedicated and caring staff at all levels collectively share a commitment to excellence. Leaders have designed an ambitious curriculum that consistently meets, and in some subjects exceeds, the requirements of what is expected nationally.”

It continues, “The school’s programme for personal development is impressive. A well-considered range of exciting activities enrich the ambitious curriculum, such as visits to theatres, museums, places of worship, and a local farm. Pupils learn how to explore and articulate their feelings and to care for their own and others’ mental and physical well-being.”

You can view the report here.

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