Safer Places In Ealing

New scheme to help people with learning difficulties who feel in danger

A new project is being set up in Ealing aimed at providing a network of areas where people with learning disabilities can go if they feel they are in danger, frightened, or need help.

Research shows that people with learning disabilities often live in fear of hate crime, verbal and physical abuse. The idea behind 'Safer Places' is to offer sanctuary and support to people if they feel at risk when out and about.

Treat Me Right! is a project managed by Certitude, a social care provider and charity based in Ealing. The Treat Me Right! team are actively working with local businesses and organisations to provide areas in shops, cafes, restaurants and private offices around the town.

Helen Cairns, Treat Me Right! Project Manager says, “People with learning disabilities have the right to move around our community without fear of abuse. Having safe places dotted around the town will give a lot of people more confidence to get out and about. At the launch I’m planning to talk to local businesses as well as members of the public. We will be giving away information packs and explaining how the scheme works.

“Although our primary focus is people with learning disabilities, the Safer Places can also be used by anyone who feels vulnerable when out and about.”

The scheme will be launched on Thursday 17 May with a stall in the Ealing Broadway Shopping Centre between 1pm and 5pm.

If you are a business in the borough of Ealing and wish to become a Safer Place, please contact Helen Cairns 020 3397 3041 or email:

May 15th 2018