Take it Home!

Posters from children on waste vehicles to encourage community to clean-up

art competition

Artwork from children in Southall will be on display on refuse trucks following a local competition.

The winning poster designs were from Havelock Primary School, and encourage the community to look after their neighbourhood and take litter home. Nearly 200 entries were received from Havelock Primary School, Dairy Meadow Primary School and Three Bridges Primary School.

The artwork is now being displayed on the side panels of waste and recycling collection vehicles as well as on notice boards and hoarding around the Havelock estate. Prizes, sponsored by Ealing Council’s waste contractor Amey, include a £25 book token for the winners and £100 awarded to the school of each student for the purchase of equipment, books or improving the school environment.

The competition was organised by Catalyst working in partnership with Ealing Council as part of the regeneration of the Havelock estate in Southall. Feedback from local people and schools had shown the community is concerned about the impact of littering and fly-tipping in the neighbourhood. Catalyst and Ealing Council say they are making it a priority to tackle the issue.

Nicola Wheeler, Catalyst’s Neighbourhood Coordinator for Havelock, said; “It was really tough to choose the winners, but the artwork we’ve chosen will look fantastic on the trucks and will really encourage people to recycle and keep Havelock tidy. Catalyst and Ealing Council have made it a priority to tackle littering and fly-tipping for the community and this is a great way to keep the community on board.”

Councillor Bassam Mahfouz, Ealing Council’s cabinet member for environment, leisure and transport, was among the judges, he said: “Congratulations to everyone who entered a design. It’s brilliant to see almost 200 of the borough’s students getting involved in such a positive campaign. The message was strong and clear and the designs were superb. These young people are an asset to our borough.  

“It’s great to see such enthusiasm to ensure Ealing maintains its well-earned reputation as one of the greenest and most beautiful boroughs in London.”

27th June 2017