Yes He Can! Oliver's an Inspiration

10- year-old Oliver Senyk proves disability is no barrier at Northolt pool

Oliver and teacher at  Northolt pool

A little boy who's been having swimming lessons in Northolt has been awarded a certificate of achievement - nothing unusual in that scenario - except Oliver is blind.

Olivier Senyk, 10, started going swimming with his school last year, and enjoyed being in the water so much that his parents approached Northolt Leisure Centre to ask about one-to-one lessons. They were put in touch with Everyone Active swimming instructor Serena, who had previous experience of working with children with visual impairments.

Olivier’s mum Daria Senyk said: ''Being blind Olivier faced many challenges when learning to swim – putting his head under the water meant he couldn’t hear as well and affected his orientation in the pool, however, the staff at Northolt Leisure Centre have been so supportive and provide a great, safe learning environment for Olivier.”

Olivier has now progressed to Stage 2 of the Learn to Swim scheme and has his lessons in the main swimming pool instead of the Learner Pool.

Daria says: ''Swimming lessons have given Olivier a great opportunity to improve his confidence and independence, as well as learning a life skill, tThere is no stopping him now he is progressing so quickly! We are incredibly proud of Olivier’s achievements and will definitely encourage him to keep swimming.”

Everyone Active Swim Manager Becky Twiggins said: '' It is great to see how far Olivier has come – he is a lovely young boy and obviously enjoys his lessons, we are are delighted that his determination was recognised with the Swimmer of the Quarter award.”

Cabinet member for transport, environment and leisure, Councillor Bassam Mahfouz, said: “Olivier is a real inspiration to others. It’s great that his swimming lessons have given him the confidence to pursue a sport that he loves. I wish him every success in continuing with his passion for the pool. We have excellent instructors at our sports facilities on hand to help and I encourage anyone who is hesitant about taking up a sport to get in touch and find out about the support available.”    

The Everyone Active Swimmer of the Quarter award is presented to a member that has achieved something significant in the pool.

Olivier received five free family swims for winning Swimmer of the Quarter at Northolt Leisure Centre, as well as four private lessons for winning the Regional Swimmer of the Quarter, which covers all Everyone Active centres in the South East.  

27th Sept 2016