Ealing's New Rubbish Boss Shown Northfields' Flytips

Director of Street Services goes on walkabout with concerned residents

The new Director of Street Services has been taken on a walkabout in the Northfield ward to see some of the problems caused by the new rubbish collection system.

She was accompanied by the officer in her team who is responsible for enforcement.

Local Councillors David Millican, Theresa Mullins and Fabio Conti along with Ealing Fields Residents Association and Boston Manor Residents Association and a number of other interested residents, joined the walkabout to highlight some of the issues local residents are facing.

Councillor Millican writes:

Starting near South Ealing Station, then walking around Northfields Ave, before finishing near Boston Manor Station we visited a number of renowned flytip grot spots across the area. 

The Council has reduced sweeping residential roads, from weekly, to a full sweep only every six weeks with a light sweep every three weeks. We expressed our views on this issue with the council officers.  However this reduction in service is a political decision by the Labour Council and so the director was unable to comment or change this policy.

Flytip Northfields

We also visited houses with small front gardens, which are completely filled with wheelie bins to the dis-satisfaction of many residents. A political decision has also been taken that small blue bins are only available to those who require assisted collection due to their infirmity. Hence the director was unable to make any commitments to change this policy.

So we concentrated on solutions to the increase in flytips, which have officially more than trebled since wheelie bins were introduced. There are several reasons for this, but a principal one is that those who live in flats above shops, and on the main roads, cannot have a wheelie bin.  

This means that their black bags are still left out, which in turn attract more rubbish.
Many of you have contacted us over the past few weeks concerned about this increase. We discussed options for solutions to the various sites we visited, which the officers are now seriously considering.

The upcoming Northfield Ward Forum on 3 November will give us the opportunity to discuss and agree these solutions with you.

The Ward Forum will be held on Thursday 3 November at 7:30pm at Fielding Primary School Wyndham Road entrance. I hope that you can join us.

As your local councillors we are determined to improve our environment. If you’d care to discuss this or any other issues of concern to you then don’t hesitate to get in touch.  We’d love to hear from you and hopefully see you on 3 November 



Councillor David Millican | david.millican@btinternet.com | 020 8810 1989

Councillor Theresa Mullins | mullins_theresa@yahoo.co.uk | 0794 665 0621

Councillor Fabio Conti | f_conti@hotmail.com | 0781 717 4279



 Northfield Ward Forum - Thursday 3 November 7:30pm at Fielding Primary School Wyndham Road entrance

You are invited to this official public meeting, hosted by us as Councillors, where residents are encouraged to raise topics of interest to the whole community

On the agenda

  • ·      The local Met Police Sergeant will share local police priorities and answer questions
  • ·      The Ealing Council Director responsible for Street Services, which includes waste collection, street cleansing, will join us to answer questions
  • ·      Parking proposals
  • ·      Open Forum

Informal Meet the Councillor Evening - Thursday 24 November from 7:30pm at the Harvester, Boston Road W7 2AX

You are invited to the next in our regular series of informal evenings, when we’ll be joined by former Cabinet Minister Stephen Crabb MP.  We have no agenda. There’s just the opportunity to chew the fat in congenial surroundings

19th October 2016