Ealing Charity Gets Results for Heart Patients with Tai Chi

Kung Fu expert Zibi Panasewicz running programme for Heartlink

Zibi Panasewicz
Zibi Panasewicz

July 17, 2024

Ealing-based charity Heartlink is constantly looking at creative ways to encourage people living with heart failure to exercise more.

A martial arts instructor might not seem the obvious choice but Kung Fu expert Zibi Panasewicz has been running programme Tai Chi classes for people with a heart condition finding their feet again.

He has been involved in several community projects, such as teaching Tai Chi for the elderly in cooperation with Ealing Council.

Zibi said, “I was a big Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan fan as a teenager and used to get up to all kinds of crazy stuff trying to copy their moves.

“Jackie was a great one for running up a wall and somersaulting backwards onto his feet. I remember thinking ‘I can do that’ until I ended up on the floor in a dazed heap.

“My instructor always insisted that I practice Tai Chi as well as Kung Fu and I can see the benefits of that now that I am older.”

Practitioners move through a flowing sequence of graceful moves with an emphasis on movement, balance and breathing.

Zibi added, “People get different things from Tai Chi but it is great for balance, flexibility and relieving stress. I enjoy teaching and Tai Chi is something everyone can benefit from.”

For more details about classes, contact www.taichi4u.uk.


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