Little Ealing Parking Zone Gets Green Light

Majority of residents want CPZ due to increased pressure in area

A new CPZ will be introduced in the Little Ealing area after a vote by local residents.

1749 consultations were sent out in the core area (shown in purple on map) 553 were returned, ie 32% responded - 60% of those who did told the council they wanted the CPZ for two periods of one hour each.

Of the roads questioned 87% voted in favour of a CPZ on Chandos Avenue, 83% on Ealing Park Gardens, 77% on Radbourne Avenue and 71% on Darwin Road.

However some roads within the core area did have more opposition to the CPZ.  53% on Carlyle Road voted against, Lawrence Road 62%, Little Ealing Lane 57% and South Ealing Road 81%.

A full breakdown can be seen here (pdf)

The new zone once introduced will cover the area from Little Ealing Lane to Darwin Road, including Chandos Ave, Junction Road. 

The next steps are to design the details for the zone, which are then legally consulted upon as a Traffic Management Order.  This means the scheme should start in early Spring.

Chilton Ave, Popes Lane, North Road and South Road was an “outer area” and treated separately.  Only 16% of residents responded and of these most did not want a CPZ, so it will not go ahead in this area.

Councillor David Millican, Northfield Conservative Councillor said:

''We try hard to listen to local residents.  As with the other CPZ consultations in Northfields the decision is effectively taken by the local residents most affected.  A majority of those who live in Little Ealing, and responded, said they wanted a CPZ, so this will go ahead.  Conversely a few months ago, in a similar exercise, the residents who live in the Northfields area around Fielding, said they didn't want a CPZ and so that one isn't going ahead.  It really is down to those who live in the area to decide.'' 

The council say full results of the consultation will be made public when the cabinet report is published - this will be on the 18th Nov and will then be found here.


NB The last consultation for this area was in 2011 when residents voted against a CPZ.

Core area: 36% of respondents said yes to the CPZ and 64% said no

Outer area: 36% of respondents said yes to the CPZ and 61% said no



10th November 2014