Horsenden Hill Craft Film Goes Viral

8 minute video of woodcraftsman Tom Bickerdike has had a quarter of million views


A film of a Horsenden Hill woodcraftsmen using traditional skills has gone viral with nearly a quarter of a million views and been seen all over the world.

Ealing filmmaker, Steve Haskett shot the footage of Tom Bickerdike at Horsenden Hill farm two years ago.

The 8 minute video 'From Tree To Woods' with no commentary follows the process and skill involved in the making of a rustic bench from locally felled Oak using only hand tools, after the the Oak planks were milled by chainsaw.

Steve says he has been taken by surprise as to how many people have now viewed it, ''Last year it suddenly went viral on Youtube and has just passed the quarter of a million views! It is being watched all around the world, in at least 72 countries with Thailand, USA and Brazil topping of the list.  It is intended to be a tribute to the craftsmanship involved.''

Horsenden Hill farm is being re invigorated by Friends of Horsenden Hill Friends volunteers  with assistance from Ealing Rangers, who are also managing the Hill's woods to encourage new growth and diversity.

Tom now has established a Woodland workshop in the grounds at the farm, from which he runs various courses. Spoon carving is a regular and popular course and is open to all levels from beginners upwards. 

Volunteers are always most welcome find out more here.

20 March 2019