Introducing... The Walpole Duck Family

Rivalry for the Hanwell Swans some more beautiful Ealing ''family'' photos

We've seen the beautiful and graceful swans and cygnets of Hanwell now we have another family to introduce...

These gorgeous images have been sent in by an Ealing Today member (who didn't wish to be name credited).

He says he was transfixed watching mummy and daddy duck and the many babies on the pond and enjoying the relative peace and quiet at Walpole Park.

Great photos and particularly like these below with mum appearing to try and bring her unruly brood to some sort of order and then realising she was probably just wasting her ...quack!

Many thanks for the lovely images showing off some of the rich wildlife in our beautiful parks and green spaces.

If you have any photos you'd like to share please send


April 22 2020