The Arts Society Ealing Lecture

Julia Musgrave on 'Caravaggio: Murderer or Genius?'

The Arts Society Ealing are hosting a lecture by Julia Musgrave on Monday 20 May at 8pm in the William Barry Theatre, University of West London, St. Mary’s Road W5 5RF.

Julia is a freelance lecturer in the History of Art from the Renaissance to British Modernism.She is a graduate of the University of Glasgow and the Coutauld Institute of Art. She is a lecturer at the City Lit and Co-Director of The London Art Salon.

Come along from 7.15pm to enjoy a glass of wine. His style spread across Europe and gave rise to the international movement known as ‘Caravaggism’.

Yet for many, Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio is famed as much for his criminal record as for his art. Was it the violence of his times or his own violent spirit that inspired the dramatic lighting and intense naturalism of his work? This lecture follows the dramatic incidents of the artist’s life and looks at why and how his influence spread so far. Non-members are welcome to attend at a cost of £8 per lecture. Students are admitted for a nominal charge of £3.

For further information and membership details see their web site.


1 May 2019