Hanwell 'Brothel' Closed Down

Police arrest owner and close down sauna

Ealing Today forum members and local council representatives have helped close down a brothel on Boston Manor Road.

Earlier this year Elthorne Safer Neighbourhood team received intelligence from residents that the 'Hanwell Sauna' was operating as a brothel.

EalingToday.co.uk was asked not to report on it whilst investigations were underway in case of any potential court case.

Police have now informed us that they attended the premises on 17th February 2010 and found evidence that it was being used as a brothel.

On 15th July 2010 officers again attended the venue and gathered substantial evidence that sexual services were being offered to customers.

The owner of the business was arrested on 21 July 2010. CPS decided that there wasn't enough evidence to charge so no charges were brought.

Notices have been served on the owner of the business and landlord of the property telling them the premises must cease to operate in the manner that had brought it to police attention.

The business has now ceased to operate.

November 11, 2010