Blog of The Week - Greenford 365

Have you got a local blog you would like to promote?

Albertina McNeil has lived in Greenford for 20 years and says she is tired of it being dismissed as 'industrial or ugly'.

She decided to do a daily photoblog with a variety of images from the area and says:

''The first image wasn't that great, taken in the pouring rain with an umbrella clamped in one arm, but I hope the standard will improve with every shot.

''It is a challenge finding something new every day and I would like to have more named people in it as well as increasing the local audience.

''At present it is viewed all over the world, mainly the US but also in places from the Philippines to Romania.

I would particularly like to show people at work in the area so would be happy to hear from local businesses.

Have a look at Albertina's photos here


If you have a local blog - or are local to Ealing and have a blog you would like to promote contact



29th March 2012