New Uxbridge Road Designs Opposed by Cycling Campaigners

Latest proposals scrap earlier scheme with segregated cycle lanes

Rather than segregated cycle lanes, bus lanes are now proposed. Picture: Google Streetview

July 25, 2024

The deadline to comment on proposed changes to the layout of Uxbridge Road between Ealing Hospital and the Greenford Road junction is approaching.

The council has revised plans drawn up in 2021 and reduced the amount of protected and unprotected cycle lanes and increased bus priority measures.

The changes are being proposed on the stretch of the road which is largely a multi-lane carriageway between Hanwell and Southall.

It says that the capacity constraints and limited space under the Iron Bridge limits the possible cycle and bus provision. The only cycle provision under the bridge is a narrow, shared footway on the north side.

The current infrastructure east of the Iron Bridge is limited to narrow cycle lanes that are painted lines and not separated from motor traffic. Originally it was planned to put protected cycle lanes on both sides of the Uxbridge Road in this section reducing the road to single file each way at certain points . This would have also required a number of ‘floating island’ bus stops.

At the time, it was argued that this would have limited impact on journey times because the road would remain as wide as other sections of the Uxbridge Road.

Under the latest proposals, cyclists would be required to share lanes with buses and the pavement with pedestrians in some sections.

As well as new and improved pedestrian crossing facilities, there is to be a new westbound bus lane, running from hospital junction to the bus stop west of Greenford Road junction. The pavement would be widened on the north side to allow shared use (cyclists and pedestrians) to provide continuous cycling from the Iron Bridge to the existing eastbound bus lane. A new bus gate would be installed on the westbound approach to Windmill Lane junction, to give buses priority over vehicles turning left into Windmill Lane.

A report submitted with the earlier proposal stated that 80% of all trips taken along this corridor are by bus and therefore any design must ensure that there are no significant delays to bus travel times.

There will be a loss of approximately five residents’ parking spaces at the eastbound bus stop (just west of Ealing Hospital junction).

Space under the Iron Bridge limits the possible cycle and bus provision. Picture: Google Streetview

The Ealing Cycling Campaign (ECC) is opposed to the new designs saying, “The new scheme ignores national and London guidance for cycle routes, even though the road is a strategic cycle route in Ealing's proposed cycle network. Most of this section of the Uxbridge Road is wide enough to carry an eight-lane smart motorway, so it is baffling that the council hasn't found room for safe cycling.”

The council argues that its proposal will increase cyclist safety on this section of the Uxbridge Road while allowing for increased bus provision and improved journey times.

As part of the consultation the council is running an online survey which can be responded to before 28 July.

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