1,357 Carers Missing Out on Support In Ealing

Local MP Virendra Sharma calls on community to help identify them

Virendra Sharma MP has called on the local community to help identify people who are looking after ill or disabled loved ones at home and make sure they are getting support.

Estimates from the charity Carers UK suggest that nearly 1,357 carers in Ealing are missing out on a total of £3,803,184 worth of Carer’s Allowance each year. This means that carers, who are often isolated, unsupported and unaware of the support they can get, end up cutting back on essentials like food and heating to make ends meet.

Virendra Sharma MP said, “Carers fulfil a hugely important role in society, and without them, the NHS and social care system would not be able to cope. We all know someone who is caring for an ill or disabled loved-one, and it is crucial that these people are recognised and that everyone ensures they get the support they need.”

Imelda Redmond, CBE, Chief Executive of Carers UK, said:

“The care provided by family members saves the UK a staggering £87 billion a year. It is crucial that, in return, we all work to make sure carers get every penny of the financial support they can. We know that families aren’t getting advice and information and end up struggling to make ends meet.”

On Carers Rights Day last Friday 3 December over 700 events took place across the UK to provide advice and info to carers.

Carers who want information about their entitlements can order a free guide by:

Visiting www.carersuk.org

Emailing adviceline@carersuk.org

Writing to Carers UK, 20 Great Dover Street, London SE1 4LX

Ringing 0808 808 7777

7 December 2010



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