Mount Carmel Primary School

Mount Carmel Primary School

Mount Carmel Roman Catholic Primary School

With over 440 pupils, Mount Carmel has strong competition for its places and draws from a wider geographical area than next door Little Ealing, with considerable importance placed on active participation in parish life. The school serves the parish of St Peter and St Paul in Northfields. Parking is difficult, as the school is on a major throughway. The school's ability to raise funds through lively and well-attended social events is fabled.

Here's how Ofsted sums the school up:

"This is a very large Catholic primary school with attached nursery. Pupils' social circumstances are generally better than average. About half of the pupils are from White British backgrounds. A further third are from other white backgrounds, the largest group being Irish. There are a few pupils from each of 11 other ethnic groups. Nine languages are spoken in the school and there are 12 pupils who are at an early stage of speaking English. The proportion with learning difficulties and disabilities is about average. Attainment on entry to the school is above average, particularly in the areas of personal, social and emotional development and communication, language and literacy. The school has just gone through a sustained period of on-site building work to draw the two separate buildings into one."

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Little Ealing Lane,
W5 4EA




020 8567 4646