Hobbayne School Ealing

Hobbayne School

Hobbayne is a consistently strong school just off Hanwell's Poets Corner in an area with an overspill from central Ealing but also some social deprivation. It is popular with parents and children alike, with some of the best SATS results in the area.

A somewhat out-of-date OFSTED report says, "This is a good school, well managed and very well led by an enthusiastic headteacher who teaches regularly. When the pupils leave the school, standards are above average and, compared with similar schools, well above average. The teaching is predominantly good, with no unsatisfactory teaching seen during the inspection. There is an exceptionally good range of extra-curricular activities and very good attention to the spiritual, moral and social development of the pupils. The school celebrates, and is strengthened by, the diversity of ethnic and social backgrounds. The pupils work and play together happily without any inhibition and showing no consciousness of differences. There is a firm but friendly disciplinary framework."

Its continuing good SATS performances suggest that this has not changed much.

Key Stage 2 Results for Local Primaries

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